OSB - Professional Liability Fund https://osbplf.org/newseventsrss.xml OSB - Professional Liability Fund http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss en-us Tue, 25 Mar 2025 20:04:51 -0700 podcasts@osbplf.org (OSB PLF Podcast) Tue, 25 Mar 2025 20:04:51 -0700 The PLF Welcomes New Board Member http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/the-plf-welcomes-new-board-member/view/ The PLF is pleased to http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/the-plf-welcomes-new-board-member/view/ 3rd Quarter Assessment Deadline http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/3rd-quarter-assessment-deadline/view/ PLF Primary Coverage - 3rd Quarter Assessment Deadline http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/3rd-quarter-assessment-deadline/view/ PLF Board of Directors - 2 Lawyer Positions http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/plf-board-of-directors---2-lawyer-positions/view/ The Board of Directors of the Professional Liability Fund (the http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/plf-board-of-directors---2-lawyer-positions/view/ PLF Shred Events - Summer 2021 http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/plf-shred-events---summer-2021/view/ The PLF is offering free shredding of legal files in June, July, and August 2021. http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/plf-shred-events---summer-2021/view/ Fun New Event About LPL http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/fun-new-event-about-lpl/view/ When could weathermen predict the weather, let alone the future. Yeah, alright, bye-bye. What? Perfect, just perfect. Can I go now, Mr. Strickland? Over there, on my hope chest. I http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/fun-new-event-about-lpl/view/ Test Event: Banana Time http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/test-event--banana-time/view/ Do we need this field? Can it just pull from the content box? http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/test-event--banana-time/view/ THANK YOU, KAREN! http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/thank-you-karen/view/ The PLF bids farewell to OAAP Attorney Counselor Karen Neri. http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/thank-you-karen/view/ PLF Welcomes New Board Members in 2021 http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/plf-welcomes-new-board-members-in-2021/view/ Announcement of 2021 PLF Board members http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/plf-welcomes-new-board-members-in-2021/view/ Carol Bernick Named Interim CEO of the PLF http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/carol-bernick-named-interim-ceo-of-the-plf/view/ CEO Nena Cook has decided to pursue other opportunities. We thank her for her service as Chief Executive Officer of the PLF, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Effective December 28, 2020, former PLF CEO Carol Bernick has been named Interim CEO and will lead the organization until the new CEO is selected. We extend our thanks to Carol for her willingness to serve as Interim CEO during this transition period. http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/carol-bernick-named-interim-ceo-of-the-plf/view/ 2021 PLF Assessment Remains $3,300 http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/2021-plf-assessment-remains-3300/view/ For plan year 2021, the PLF assessment will remain at $3,300. http://osbplf.org/news-and-events/2021-plf-assessment-remains-3300/view/