Elevate Mental Health and Well-Being Month | Week 5 – Emotional Well-Being: Equilibrium

Elevate Mental Health and Well-Being Month | Week 5 – Emotional Well-Being: Equilibrium

Healthy awareness and regulation of our emotions is the sine qua non of well-being. Simply put, the degree to which we can fully experience all aspects of our personal and professional well-being is largely correlated with our ability to recognize and regulate our own emotions.

Well-being is essentially a recursive process (an ongoing, dynamic feedback loop). Our emotional well-being (its presence or lack thereof) affects other aspects of our well-being (e.g., physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, etc.), and these in turn impact our emotional well-being. Improving our overall well-being thus begins with (1) understanding how our emotions influence—and are influenced by—other elements of well-being and (2) learning to keep these in balance with one another in a way that achieves a healthy equilibrium.

Join us this Wednesday, May 29, 2024, from 9:00  to 10:00 a.m. as fellow members of our legal community share how they manage their emotional well-being in their personal and professional lives. These Well-Being Wednesday conversations are participatory and interactive, so please feel free to share your thoughts—or come to listen, learn, and be inspired during this final drop-in session of the month!


Things to read, watch, and listen to this week –

What is Emotional Regulation and How Do We Do It?

Emotion Regulation Strategies

TED TALK – The Gifted Wisdom of Unpleasant Feelings

TED TALK – You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions

Is “Happy Lawyer” an Oxymoron?


Things to Try –

  • Some recommended emotion regulation strategies include:
    • Be Aware: Name the emotions you are feeling (e.g., anger, resentment, fear, etc.).
    • Be Accepting: Validate your emotion; accepting an emotion is different than acting on it.
    • Be Alert: Identify events, people, and circumstances that trigger your emotions.
    • Be Social: Talk through your emotions and feelings with a trusted person.
    • Be Thoughtful: Journal your feelings and emotional responses.
    • Be Calming: Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and similar practices support healthy emotional regulation.
    • Be Smart: Good sleep and nutrition hygiene support healthy emotional regulation.

Post Author: Douglas S. Querin

Douglas S. Querin

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