Avoiding Malpractice in Family Law

Family law consistently has one of the highest number of claims among all practice areas, according to the Professional Liability Fund’s data tracking. Our reporting statistics – both historical and current – give us unique insight into the various malpractice traps that ensnare attorneys, and we want to share this information with family law practitioners and help you to avoid falling into those traps.

Watch PLF Claims Attorney Sharnel Mesirow and Nathan Holtey, owner and managing partner of Portland-based family law firm Holtey Law, discuss some of the more common malpractice traps in family law. Ms. Mesirow and Mr. Holtey address common mistakes in drafting property settlements, drafting errors in general judgments, issues when determining spousal support, proper language for closing letters and premarital agreements, and tips for improving client communications. They also explain how the PLF can help if you are served with a subpoena or think you made a mistake.

This program has been approved for 1 MCLE general credit. 


Topic: Family Law
Date: 06/22/2022
Credits:1 - GEN
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:89854
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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