Day 3: General Session - 2022 Learning The Ropes

This audio recording consists of the following segments that were presented in the general session on Day 3:

Courtroom Do’s and Don’ts, (1 Practical Skill – Oregon Practice and Procedure Credit)
Hear from two judges on successful courtroom protocols and practices..
The Honorable Adrian L. Brown, Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge
The Honorable Rebecca D. Guptill, Washington County Circuit Court Judge

Alternative Dispute Resolution – Mandated and Voluntary, (1 Practical Skill – Oregon Practice and Procedure Credit)
The speaker will describe different voluntary alternative dispute resolution options and court-mandated arbitration.

Lisa C. Brown, Lisa Brown Dispute Resolution

Access to Justice: Building a Sustainable and Inclusive Practice (1.5 Introductory Access to Justice Credits)
Each panelist will share their experience on creating an accessible and inclusive office environment and provide  tips to work successfully with a wide range of clients from diverse backgrounds and with different needs.

Steven L. Hill, Hill Law Office
Kim T. Le, Source Law
Emery Wang, Vames, Wang and Sosa                 
Hong Dao, Moderator, Professional Liability Fund Director of Practice Management Assistance Program

Total MCLE Credit: 2 Practical Skills - Oregon Practice and Procedure Credits and 1.5 Introductory Access to Justice Credits


Topic: Practice Management
Date: 11/10/2022
Credits:1.5 - PS, 1.5 - AJ
Format: MP3
OSB CLE Event ID:92808
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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