Document Automation: Don't Be Afraid of the Robots (MCLE credit extended to 3/16/2028)

Automation - the creation and application of technologies to produce and deliver goods and services with minimal human intervention - has been around for many years in various forms. Unfortunately, many lawyers are wary of new technologies and perceive all automation as a threat. On the contrary, automating certain repetitive tasks can free up a valuable resource - your time - and enable you to focus on the higher-level work that only you can do. Embracing automation is actually a competitive advantage!

PLF Practice Management Attorney Rachel Edwards discusses how document automation can make you more effective - by reducing your chances of making certain mistakes - and efficient - by filling in the blanks so you or your staff don't have to.

Think about how often you use forms for pleadings, letters, or intake questionnaires. Rachel explains the different types of document automation and the varying automation capabilities of different programs. You may already have one of these tools in your toolbox, so this 30-minute CLE is an opportunity for you to determine what works best for your firm.

This seminar has been approved for .5 MCLE Practical Skills credit.  (MCLE credit extended to 3/16/2028.)

Topic: Technology
Date: 03/16/2022
Credits:.5 - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:86401
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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