Excellence, Perfectionism, and Well-Being

As lawyers, we want to be at our best – we want to perform at a high level while at the same time taking good care of ourselves and those around us. Often, though, it can feel like we must sacrifice our well-being to achieve excellence. For some, our relationship with “perfectionism” plays a part in that feeling.

Please join OAAP Attorney Counselor Bryan Welch and PLF Practice Management Attorney Monica Logan  as they discuss the relationship between excellence, perfectionism, and well-being. Bryan and Monica will explain techniques for finding an ideal work environment to enhance your wellness. They will also show how to create healthy structures to support excellence both individually and organizationally. You will learn practical tips for arranging an optimal workflow in your practice while understanding how to manage your inner perfectionist ? with the goal of achieving professional excellence and personal well-being.

This program has been approved for .5 Practical Skills and .5 Mental Health / Substance Use MCLE credits.

Topic: Mental Health and Substance Use
Date: 04/21/2023
Credits:.5 - PS, .5 - MHSU
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:98792
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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