Extinguishing Burnout: How to Foster Engagement in the Legal Profession

Burnout has long been an issue in the legal community. With long hours, heavy caseloads, and other problematic aspects of legal culture contributing to high rates of burnout before the pandemic, the past two years have seen burnout increase to record levels.

Watch Kyra Hazilla from the Oregon Attorney Assistance Program and Hong Dao from the PLF Practice Management Assistance Program discuss what is driving burnout, its impact, and what we can do individually and organizationally to spark change. Lawyers who attend will gain an increased understanding of burnout and learn practical tips and strategies that individuals and firms can implement to mitigate and prevent burnout.

This program has been approved for 1 MHSU and .5 MCLE practical skills credit.

Topic: Mental Health and Substance Use
Date: 05/18/2022
Credits:1 - MHSU, .5 - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:88597
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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