From Startup to Endgame: Forming and Dissolving Your Law Practice

Join us for an engaging, free CLE that covers the essentials of entity formation for legal professionals, whether you're starting a solo practice or forming a group firm. Scott Schnuck, AltusLaw LLC, will delve into key decision-making factors such as liability, tax implications, and management structures, with a focus on entity options and the complexities of switching entities.

For group practices, learn how to craft comprehensive operating agreements, addressing income allocation, decision-making, and other critical issues. Additionally, explore strategies for handling entity changes, partner transitions, and end-game options. This session will equip you with the knowledge to confidently navigate the formation, growth, and evolution of your legal practice!


Topic: Practice Management
Date: 02/19/2025
Credits:2 - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:118212
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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