Pro Bono, Legal Aid, and Other Tools to Provide Access to Justice for All
Learn about the unmet legal needs in Oregon and discover tools to assist lawyers in addressing these needs, ensuring that everyone has equal access to justice.
Ayla Ercin
Executive Director, Campaign for Equal Justice
Jill R. Mallery
Statewide Pro Bono Manager, Legal Aid Services of Oregon
Eric McClendon
Oregon State Bar Director of Pro Bono and Legal Referral Services
William C. Penn,
Executive Director, Oregon Law Foundation
Lawyer Well Being
Join the Oregon Attorney Assistance Program (OAAP) to uncover challenges lawyers encounter in their practice and explore strategies for maintaining well-being.
Kyra M. Hazilla, JD, LCSW
OAAP Director and Attorney Counselor
Douglas S. Querin, JD, LPC, CADC I
OAAP Senior Attorney Counselor
Bryan R. Welch, JD, CADC I, MA Candidate
OAAP Attorney Counselo
Kirsten Blume, JD, MA Candidate
OAAP Attorney Counselor Associate
MCLE Credit: 1.5 Introductory Access to Justice and 1 Mental Health and Substance Use Education