Malpractice Risks in Residential Landlord-Tenant Law (MCLE Credit Extended to 8/11/27)

Join speakers Vivien Lyon of Lyon Legal Services LLC and J. Michael Harris from Reeves Kahn Hennessy & Elkin as they present a CLE on “Malpractice Risks in Residential Landlord-Tenant Law.” 

The speakers discussed malpractice traps in the different FED (Forcible Entry and Detainer) stages, from notice and service, to the first appearance, settlement agreement, and trial. They covered post-tenancy issues that can expose lawyers to liability such as closure of tenancy, the security deposit, and abandoned property. The speakers will also provided an update on the eviction moratorium, shared their thoughts about a potential upcoming wave of evictions, and concluded with a discussion on jurisdictional and local code issues.(MCLE credit extended to 8/11/27/)

Topic: Malpractice Avoidance
Date: 08/11/2021
Credits:1.5 - PS
Formats: Streaming Video, MP3
OSB CLE Event ID:81180
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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