The Next Chapter: Planning for Retirement

Contemplating retirement often causes attorneys stress and leads to procrastination, because many view it as the end of the road and disconnection from their identity as a lawyer. We hope to change that narrative so you will instead see it as the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another. Reframing retirement as an open doorway allows you to determine what makes sense for you and create a strategic financial and logistical roadmap. The possibilities at that point are endless.

PLF Practice Management Attorney Rachel Edwards, OAAP Attorney Counselor Douglas Querin, Certified Financial Planner Kerri Patrick, and recently retired attorney Scott Jonsson discuss the fundamentals of financial planning, understanding your goals to effectively chart your course for the next chapter, and various financial planning tools for reaching your goals. Douglas Querin addresses some of the primary non-financial issues and challenges attorneys often face as they prepare for retirement, providing insight into how to maintain control over the planning and the post-retirement continuum of options. Scott Jonsson shares some of his personal experiences and observations as he transitioned from the active practice of law. Additional topics include best practices for possible succession planning or sale of a practice, winding down your active practice, and closed file retention and destruction.

This program has been approved for 1.5 practical skills and 1.5 mental health substance use MCLE credits.

Topic: Retirement
Date: 09/21/2022
Credits:1.5 - MHSU, 1.5 - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:92396
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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