The Power of Connection in the Legal Profession

The 2017 National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being reported that lawyers experience stress, anxiety, depression, and problematic substance use more frequently than non-lawyers. Research also indicates that law is one of the loneliest professions. Many members of the legal community have found the last four years incredibly stressful and even lonelier than usual. In this CLE, Practice Management Attorney Kalia Walker and OAAP Attorney Counselor Associate Kirsten Blume explore solutions to this individual and collective challenge facing our profession.

An important antidote to loneliness is social connection and the power of meaningful relationships. If you visualize a thriving practice as a strong, healthy tree, then your support network forms the roots of your foundation that prepares you for the uncertainties of life and work and sustains you through difficult times. The goals of this presentation are to: (1) identify issues that can arise when attorneys lack supportive relationships; and (2) offer strategies for cultivating connections that will enhance their law practices.

Lawyers who attend this 60-minute presentation will:

  • Increase awareness of the challenges lawyers face related to loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and substance use;
  • Learn about the importance of social connection in promoting mental and physical well-being, as well as improving work performance;
  • Consider factors that prevent lawyers from reaching out to one another and asking for help when needed; and
  • Take away practical tools to build meaningful support networks.

This webinar has been approved for .5 Practical Skills and .5 MHSU MCLE credits.

Topic: Mental Health and Substance Use
Date: 06/20/2024
Credits:.5 - MHSU, .5 - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:111103
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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