Understanding Your Firms Cybersecurity Obligations and Exposures

Cybersecurity is and will continue to be a fixture in the legal profession as lawyers increasingly rely on technology to run their practices and deliver legal services. This reliance creates risks that can compromise a firm’s operations and expose client data. Please Join Hong Dao, Director of the Practice Management Assistance Program at the PLF, and Sarah Dufendach, Cyber Claims Manager at Beazley Group for a CLE on how lawyers can shore up their cybersecurity.

Ms. Dao will cover a lawyer’s ethical obligations to understand the technology they use and protect client data. Ms. Dufendach will discuss various cyber threats and scenarios that can lead to data breach. As an experienced cyber claims manager at Beazley, she will also provide insights on how claims involving data breaches are typically handled from an insurer’s perspective. The CLE will conclude with practical tips to protect your firm and clients and what to do after a security incident or a data breach.

The video recording of this CLE is available upon request. Please contact DeAnna Shields at deannas@osbplf.org if you would like a link to the video.

This seminar has been approved for .5 Ethics and .5 Practical Skills MCLE credits.


Topic: Technology
Date: 05/31/2023
Credits:.5 - ETH, .5 - PS
Format: Streaming Video
OSB CLE Event ID:98884
Program Materials:Download Program Materials

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