Loss Prevention Resources

Loss Prevention Resources

The PLF’s loss prevention department provides assistance to Oregon lawyers in a variety of ways. Remember to take advantage of our resources at every opportunity:

Practice Management Attorneys

We have three practice management attorneys available, providing free and confidential assistance to all Oregon lawyers for a wide range of needs to reduce your risk of malpractice claims and enhance the enjoyment of practicing law. This includes assistance with things like opening a practice, office management, office systems, technology, improving client relationships, and closing a practice, among others. We are happy to travel to your office or meet you at another convenient location, or communicate via phone, email, or through our website.


We provide approximately 300 downloadable checklists, templates, sample fee agreements and letters, and other practice aids as part of our free services. We update our forms every two years, but please contact us anytime if you have suggestions for additional forms.


We sponsor free and low-cost CLEs throughout the year. We also provide a library of free past CLEs available for downloading or live streaming. Some may also be available in CD or DVD and can be shipped to you or picked up at the PLF offices in Tigard.


Various free publications are available to Oregon lawyers as part of loss prevention:
  1. Books (https://www.osbplf.org/services/resources/#plf_books) — Loss prevention books include information about setting up and using your lawyer trust account, Oregon statutory time limitations, setting up and running your law office, and protecting client interests in the event of your disability or death. If you do not have a principal office in Oregon, you may download the books in PDF form. Oregon lawyers may request a print copy.

  2. InBrief (https://www.osbplf.org/services/resources/#inbrief) — Our quarterly newsletter, sent via mail and available on our website, contains information on how to avoid legal malpractice, as well as various technology updates, practice tips, information about PLF coverage, and additional resources for Oregon practitioners.

  3. InPractice (https://www.osbplf.org/services/resources/#blog) — Subscribe to our blog, where we post practical advice for Oregon lawyers every two weeks.

  4. Twitter (@OregonPLF) — Follow us on Twitter for additional practice management tips and advice.

  5. Resources and Discounts (https://www.osbplf.org/practice-management/resources-discounts.html) — We provide discounts to Oregon lawyers on various books and software programs focused on education and improving office systems.

  6. Oregon Attorney Assistance Program (https://oaap.org/) — Also take advantage of our attorney assistance program, which provides free and confidential counseling assistance to lawyers, judges, and law students by professionally trained attorney counselors. This includes individual counseling, referral to other resources, support groups, workshops, CLEs, and other educational programs.

We pride ourselves in our ability to provide Oregon lawyers with a vast array of free and confidential services. On the front lines of malpractice, we see the claims that come through and work to assist attorneys with the ultimate goals of malpractice prevention and career satisfaction.

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