December can be a busy month for many lawyers. One of many tasks lawyers have to perform as they transition from 2018 to 2019 is submitting their MCLE compliance report to the Oregon State Bar. Sometimes lawyers are shocked to find out they are short 10 or more credits and then scramble for CLEs to make up for the shortfall.
If you’re in this situation, remember that the PLF has many free pre-recorded CLEs that you can download, stream, or order to be delivered to your home or office. You can listen to the CLEs on CDs during your lunch hour or commute to and from work. Here is a complete list of our CLEs.
Sometimes abuse reporting credits are hard to come by. Fortunately, we have a recording of a CLE that covers both elder and child abuse reporting. That CLE is available here.
The PLF also has many Ethics, Access to Justice, and Practical Skills CLEs that can help you fulfill your MCLE requirements.
For those of you who may not be aware of the new MCLE requirement, starting in January 1, 2019, lawyers will need to have one credit hour per reporting period on the subject of mental health, substance use, or cognitive impairment. It will first apply to any lawyers whose reporting year ends in December 31, 2019. The new requirement does not change the total number of MCLE credits required for your reporting year because the credit hour requirements for general/practiccal skills will be reduced by one hour. Be on the lookout for CLE programs from the OSB, PLF, and other CLE provider that cover these areas.
For more information on the new rule, see the Oregon State Bar FAQ available here. Read Carol Bernick's, CEO of the PLF, article on why Oregon needs this MCLE requirement.