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Title Area
Oregon Lawyers' Conference Room Page View
OSB CLE: Lawyer Well-Being: Tools to Reduce Stress and Vicarious Trauma Event View
Options for Getting Paid InPractice View
Seeing Beyond into the Horizon Thriving Today View
Retention and Destruction of Electronic Client Files in the Cloud InPractice View
Ready, Aim, Fire...or Maybe Not: The Ordeal of Terminating a Client InPractice View
Copying and Pasting from a PDF InPractice View
Extinguishing Burnout: How to Foster Engagement in the Legal Profession Cle Class View
Alert from the Oregon Judicial Department - Potential Issue with Emailed Hearing Notices InPractice View
Working With the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCLE credit extended to 8/22/2024) Cle Class View
The Young Lawyers Issue | August 2016 Law Practice Today View
LTR 2021: PLF Overview and Introduction to Claims and Risk Management Cle Class View
PLF Annual Report Annual Report View
2016 ABA TECHSHOW Event View
The Young Lawyers Issue | April 2017 Law Practice Today View
The Young Lawyers Issue | April 2018 Law Practice Today View
The Young Lawyers Issue | April 2019 Law Practice Today View
The Young Lawyers Issue | April 2020 Law Practice Today View
Production of Client File Practice Form View
Rachel Edwards Team Member View
August 2019 Financials; Projections to End of Year Public Meeting View
Scrambling for CLE Credits? InPractice View
Heather Bowman Team Member View
Hoarding and Dabbling, Oh My! InPractice View
New Lawyer Mentoring Program InPractice View
To “Of Counsel” or Not InPractice View
Astoria, OR Board Meeting View
Sunriver Board Meeting View
Examining Potential Malpractice Risks of Practicing in the COVID-19 Era (MCLE Credit extended to 5/20/2026. Cle Class View
Remote Access for Lawyers: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Virtual Private Network (VPN) InPractice View
What the Doctors Order for 2020 InPractice View
Client Portals: Take Control of Client Communication InPractice View
2019 Learning The Ropes (MCLE Credit extended to 4/30/2024) Cle Class View
Pausing to Reflect on Good Beginnings: a Timeline of Service to Oregon Lawyers InPractice View
Avoiding Scams: Remain Vigilant InPractice View
Let It Go: Retention and Destruction of Original Client Documents InPractice View
Data Hoarding: A Potential Risk for Law Firms - Part II InPractice View
2021 Learning The Ropes Cle Class View
What's on Your List? Developing Healthy Ways to Calm and Soothe Thriving Today View
Manage Your Law Office with Documented Systems and Procedures InPractice View
Sharing Fees Outside Your Law Firm InPractice View
Vision and Mission Statements for Your Law Practice InPractice View
Working and Meeting in the Age of Social Distancing InPractice View
A Better Way to Store Your Closed Files InPractice View
Monica Logan Team Member View
Back to Basics - Time Management Tips for Busy Lawyers InPractice View
Options for Sending Large Files InPractice View
Taking Stock of Resources at the OSB for the General Public and Oregon Lawyers InPractice View
Kirsten Blume Team Member View
The Power of Connection in the Legal Profession Cle Class View