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Title Area
2019 Bridging the Disability Gap - Making Your Practice and Workplace More Accessible, Improving Your Communication with Clients and Colleagues (MCLE credit extended to 11/1/2025.) Cle Class View
Fueling the Fire: Motivating Yourself and Staff InPractice View
Notetaking Outside the Office InPractice View
Microsoft Office 2007 and Beyond InPractice View
Unwanted Data: How to Properly Destroy Data in Hardware InPractice View
Scrambling for CLE Credits? InPractice View
Cultivating Lawyer Well-Being and Asking for Help (MCLE credit extended to 10/31/2025.) Cle Class View
Setting Achievable Goals for the New Year InPractice View
Tips for Establishing and Maintaining an Organized Office InPractice View
Increasing Access to Justice Through Trauma Informed Lawyering (MCLE credit extended to 10/31/2025.) Cle Class View
Client Intake: Making it More Effective and Efficient InPractice View
Electronic Payment Processing Software for Law Firms InPractice View
Manage Your Law Office with Documented Systems and Procedures InPractice View
Using Video to Support Internal Office Processes InPractice View
A Better Way to Store Your Closed Files InPractice View
2019 Learning The Ropes (MCLE Credit extended to 4/30/2024) Cle Class View
Learning The Ropes Event View
SSF Legal Lunchbox: Disaster Planning (MCLE Credit Extended to 3/13/2027) Cle Class View
Working from Home: Basic Setup Tools & Resources (MCLE Credit extended to 4/9/2026.) Cle Class View
Making the Work Flow InPractice View
Design 2023 to be a Success InPractice View
Can We Talk? Audio Conferencing Options and Tips InPractice View
Jump Start Your Well-Being (MCLE Credit Extended to 6/22/2025) Cle Class View
Free Spring Video Replays - April and May Event View
Is Microsoft Office 365 a Good Bet for 2018? InPractice View
New Practice Aids Available on the PLF Website InPractice View
What Can Yard Work Teach Lawyers about Project Management? InPractice View
PLF Annual Report Annual Report View
Avoiding Malpractice in Today’s Changing World Cle Class View
Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Examining Potential Malpractice Risks of Practicing in the COVID-19 Era (MCLE Credit extended to 5/20/2026. Cle Class View
LTR 2021: Essential Guide to Practice Management Cle Class View
All Travel and No Play: Confidentiality Concerns if Working While Traveling InPractice View
OSB CLE: Lawyer Well-Being: Tools to Reduce Stress and Vicarious Trauma Event View
Jeanne Ulrich Team Member View
Pendleton – Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Nuts-and-Bolts Issues for Smoothly Closing Your Law Practice (MCLE Credit extended to 2/5/2026.) Cle Class View
Ontario – Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Roseburg – Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Tillamook - Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Klamath Falls – Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Medford – Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Hood River – Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Bend - Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
North Bend – Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Eugene - Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
Astoria - Unlocking Success: Strategies to Elevate Your Practice Cle Class View
2021 Learning The Ropes Cle Class View
Handling Personal Injury Cases: Malpractice Traps and Ethical Concerns for Lawyers Cle Class View
August 2019 Financials; Projections to End of Year Public Meeting View